How to cancel your MyWay subscription?

Learn about how to cancel your subscription on iPhone/iPad devices or Android devices

During your trial

We do not store your credit card details and do not charge your bank account directly. All purchases on iPhone or iPad go through the Apple App Store, and all purchases on Android devices are handled by Google Play Market.

There are no charges during your trial. If you continue using the app after the trial period, you'll be automatically charged. To prevent charges when your trial ends, please cancel your subscription. Note that you have to use your mobile device in order to cancel your subscription. You can find the cancellation instructions below:

Apple App Store (iPhone, iPad)

  • Click the app menu icon on the top right corner

  • Tap the "Manage Subscription" button in Premium Section (*)

  • Tap "Cancel Subscription" at the bottom of the page

  • Select the MyWay subscription (**)

  • Tap "Cancel Subscription"

Alternatively, you can cancel your subscription from your Apple Settings

  • Open the Apple Settings app

  • Make sure you're signed in with the correct Apple ID

  • Tap your name

  • Tap "Subscriptions"

  • Select the MyWay subscription (**)

  • Tap "Cancel Subscription"

Google Play Store (Android)

  • Make sure you're signed in with the correct email address

  • Open this link on your Android device

  • Select the MyWay subscription (**)

  • Tap "Cancel Subscription"

Alternatively, you can cancel your subscription from the Google Play App

  • Open the Google Play app.

  • At the top right, tap the profile icon.

  • Tap Payments & subscriptions ⇾ Subscriptions.

  • Select the MyWay subscription (**).

  • Tap "Cancel subscription"

  • Follow the instructions.

*if the "Manage Subscription" option is not shown in the Premium Section, it means you don't have an active subscription for this account, and you won't be billed.

**If MyWay is not shown in your list of subscriptions, it means you don't have an active subscription for this account, and you won't be billed.

After canceling

If you're canceling due to issues with MyWay, it'd be great if you could send us a quick message using the chat icon at the bottom right or clicking "Talk to Us" in the app menu. This way, we can keep on improving the app for other drivers. We will appreciate it a lot!

Last updated