I can't find an address
MyWay has the most up-to-date database of addresses and places from Google Maps, Mapbox, Here, Apple, TomTom, ArcGis, and OpenStreetMap combined into one route planner. It means we do not rely on data from only one provider. However, it might be the case when an address is not in our database or it's inaccurate. Let's face it - every provider out there works better in some areas and not that great in others.
Changing Data Provider (Address Geocoding Service)
No data providers build the same. Some data providers work best in one region, another one in another. Sometimes it can be useful to change data providers and MyWay provides you with such an option. If you can't find addresses often, try to change the data provider in the app settings (main screen, top right corner > preference > Maps & Geocoding >Geocoding Provider)
How to report an incorrect address in MyWay Route Planner?
In MyWay Route Planner, click on a menu icon in the top right. Then go to "Routes," then click on three dots next to the trip and choose the option "Report an Issue". Write down a message to us, and we will try to fix this incorrect address for you. Please provide us with addresses and screenshots so we can identify the problem and get it fixed in address databases.
How to report an incorrect address in Navigation Apps?
If you want to report an incorrect (or missing) address, we recommend doing this through Google Maps (short instructions on how to do this here) or through OpenStreetMap (here)
As soon as your report is reviewed and approved by Google or the OpenStreetMap community, you will see the correct address in your navigator and in MyWay Route Planner as well.
Last updated